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Language quality assurance


Before we send the final product back to you, we need to do one last quality check. That’s what the linguistic quality assurance (LQA) step is for. Professional reviewers and native proofreaders look for potential spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes, check whether the localised version is compliant with the glossaries and style guides, and look for any other type of potential issues that may cause developers problems and affect the game’s release negatively, such as:

  • – truncated characters,
  • – strings over the character limit,
  • – incorrect numeric formats,
  • – misuse of region-specific vocabulary,
  • – inconsistent terminology,
  • – potential missing diacritics,
  • – and other possible issues!

For certain projects – board/card games, product brochures, marketing materials, etc. – we recommend that an additional step called linguistic sign-off (or LSO for short) be taken to elevate the already-great quality of the product. After the graphic designer has replaced the original language version with the localised content (or created a completely new project using it), a native speaker reviews the final product and makes sure that it’s good for print.

They carefully check whether or not the layout disrupts readability, e.g. if the phrases have been incorrectly split; proofread the text to make sure it’s not missing any diacritics, and double-check all the graphic elements, among other things.

In an effort to save time and money, some companies tend to skip these final steps. However, it’s vital that these tasks be performed while changes can still be made easily and cost-free. We always do our best to plan ahead so that you don’t have to worry about potential delays. Choose us as your trusted partner to optimise the localisation processes and never compromise on quality again.